Good standing received from a royal family

Hello Mr Tarek this the message sent from His Supreme Royal Majesty to His Excellency Dr Franco

His Royal Highness the Prince Abdelkader Boubekeur

I’m honored to have received such affirmation. 

Please send to his Excellency Dr Franco my most Sincere Respect and appreciation. 

Confirm receipt and return the sentiment of respect and acknowledgement of our offices and agenda. 

Extend our gratitude for recognition and respect. Encourage further services. And close message.

Thank you. 

Best Regards 

Her Supreme Maximus Czarina Rex Imperialisima 
Artiscia Al Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ambasciata D’ Italia -Proudly Greetings

17, Dicembre 2019

Salutoaiconnazionalidell’Ambasciatored’Italia in Qatar, Pasquale Salzano

Cari connazionali,

domani, dopo le celebrazioni per la festa nazionale del Qatar, giunge al termine il mio mandato come Ambasciatore d’Italia.

Desidero ringraziarvi calorosamente per questi anni intensi e produttivi vissuti assieme. Nell’arco della mia permanenza a Doha ho avuto il grande onore di rappresentare una Comunità attiva, unita e particolarmente apprezzata dalle Autorità locali.

Il vostro impegno ed entusiasmo hanno contribuito in modo decisivo al rafforzamento delle relazioni tra Italia e Qatar e al raggiungimento di importanti obiettivi nazionali. I successi e la visibilità che il nostro Paese ha saputo conquistare in uno spazio estremamente competitivo e in un’area strategica mondiale sono stati conseguiti anche grazie ai vostri sforzi individuali e come parte di una Comunità che – posso affermare con orgoglio – rappresenta al meglio l’Italia all’estero.

Desidero porgere a voi e alle vostre famiglie un saluto speciale e un caloroso augurio per le festività del Santo Natale.

A presto rivederci,

Pasquale Salzano

Ambasciatored’Italia in Qatar

——————-English Translation——————-

17, December 2019

Greetings to the compatriots of the Italian Ambassador in Qatar, Pasquale Salzano

Dear compatriots,

tomorrow, after the celebrations for Qatar’s national holiday, my mandate as Ambassador of Italy comes to an end.

I wish to thank you warmly for these intense and productive years lived together. During my stay in Doha I had the great honour of representing an active community, united and particularly appreciated by the local authorities.

Your commitment and enthusiasm have contributed decisively to the strengthening of relations between Italy and Qatar and to the achievement of important national objectives. The successes and the visibility that our country has been able to conquer in an extremely competitive space and in a strategic world area has also been achieved thanks to your individual efforts and as part of a Community that – I can proudly affirm – best represents the Italy abroad.

Juridical Victory against GOOGLE LLC on abused published not true information against me in internet links

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Avv. Domenico Bianculli 
Date: Tue., Oct. 8, 2019, 19:26
Subject: Garante / Google

EgregioDott. Derin,

Le inoltroilProvvedimento del Garante per la protezionedeidatipersonalicontro Google LLC, che ci ha datopienamenteragione, imponendo a Google di cancellarei link negatividallericerche correlate al Suo nominativo. Google rimuoveràirisultati di ricercasegnalatinei termini previsti dal provvedimento.


Dearest Dr. Derin, I forward you the juridical sentence order issued from the Guarantor of Privacy Law of related its department of Justice, that have sentenced positive declaration in Your favour, and against GOOGLE LLC, and imperative order GOOGLE LLC to cancel all the indicated into sentence attached URL links in internet that have negative info not true on matter of facts info against you/ your name; then GOOGLE is obliged within the time indicated from this law order sentence to cancel all of them.

Porgol’occasione per porgerLecordialisaluti/ Best Regards

Avv. Domenico Bianculli/ Attorney At Law Domenico Bianculli

Studio LegaleParente&Bianculli&Associati/Legal Lawyer Firm

VialedelleMilizie, 96 – 00192 Roma